MyPaint Tutorial ON December 23, 2012 AT 10:51 PM
This is like my first drawing tutorial (not really!!) and I use mouse/touchpad, so it might be easier on you people using the tablet. Okay, here's what MyPaint is about:
MyPaint is a fast and easy open-source graphics application for digital painters. It lets you focus on the art instead of the program. You work on your canvas with minimum distractions, bringing up the interface only when you need it.
I personally love MyPaint because you have an endless canvas, it's simple, easy to understand, has lots of brushes, a wide space, and of course, it's free.
First step is, to download the program.
MyPaint is totally FREE, EVERYTHING IS FREE. So anyway, you click the "Download" on the navigation to download it and choose the system. Supports Mac, Linux, Window 32-bit and 64-bit. I gave you the link to the website so you can discover more about the program.
After downloading, you know what to do, set up the things and etc. And now, let's open MyPaint!
Click image to enlarge.
I'm using V.1.0.0 which is so far the newest one.
Okay I have explained the tools but I'll explain on the up...
- where you save, open, new file, etc...
- undo / redo
- change color, its like a color picker
- change brush, but there is more detailed brushes here
- brush settings (set radius, etc)
- Those are the tools like I explained in the pics, you can click them to show them or un-show
Now, let's go over and draw!! ^^
I use mouse not tablet.
Now let's color. Create a new layer, named "Base Color."
Color your drawing with a brush. Select the base color.
Now create the shadows. Create a new layer, name "Shadows"
Shade your drawing with a brush, smaller radius, and preferably different brush rather than a coloring brush like mixbrush / digital. Make sure the color is darker and visible that it's "darker". If it's too dark, I recommend you to use the blender brush to make things out ^^
NOW: You can create more shadows as you want, if you need to ^^ Just create another layer and repeat the shadow step.
Now... let's finish our work! Create a new layer named "Finishing"
Click on brush, select white color, set radius to your liking, and set opacity down (maybe like 40%) so you can lighten up your drawing and add highlight^^
Also, clean up your art (just go to respective layers, click eraser tool and erase the color outside the lineart. Do not need to worry for the lineart to be erased because its a different layer!)
I prefer you use PNG, usually JPG will make everything crappy, make your art look uglier than it should be
I recommend you save it in .PNG with background but if you want to make like, headers and you can even try make CGs for sozai! :)
You also want to save it as .ORA which enables you to edit the art again in MyPaint and still have the layers :)
Tarraaaah~ you're done! Hope my crappy tutorials help!!
Free messy heart CG^^
Labels: mypaint, tutorial